IL CERCALAVORO, le proposte di oggi

Una nuova pagina su le offerte di lavoro, tirocinio e altro, che possono interessare i giovani (e non) del nostro territorio. Un servizio in collaborazione con i siti specializzati (tipo l’Informagiovani Torino), le agenzie formative e le aziende.

Buona navigazione e…buona fortuna!

 logo cercalavoroORIENTA S.p.A.


1 stagista segreteria commerciale lingua tedesca, ottima conoscenza delle lingue tedesca, inglese e preferibilmente una terza lingua a scelta, diploma/laurea in lingue, automunito/a, zona seconda cintura Torino sud;

1 cablatore, esperienza su impianti per quadri elettrici industriali, autonomia nella mansione, zona Torino;

1 capo turno, esperienza nella mansione, coordinamento 30/40 risorse per turno  provenienti dal settore gomma e materie plastiche, necessario per  cambio stampi, avvio presse, e finitura prodotto, automunito, zona Druento;

1 commerciale piemonte con esperienza di almeno 5 anni e provenienza dal settore informatico in particolare nella vendita di software e consulenza, conoscenza della lingua inglese portafoglio clienti di aziende medio/grandi, contratto da dipendente o Partita IVA zona Torino.

Se interessati telefonare o inviare curriculum a: Orienta S.p.A. – Aut. Min. 26/11/2004 prot. 1106-SG via XX Settembre 78/N – 10122 Torino tel. 011 5213455 – fax 011 4365757 Orario: 11.00-12.00 tutte le mattine tranne il mercoledì


Eures: offerte di lavoro in Europa

Per chi vuole lavorare all’estero, la rete EURopean Employment Services (Eures) fornisce informazioni e orientamento sul mercato del lavoro in Europa. Fanno parte della Rete i Servizi Pubblici dell’Impiego dei Paesi dell’UE e dello S.E.E., le Organizzazioni Sindacali, le Associazioni Datoriali e la Commissione Europea.



Laval (France)

1 assistant commercial bilingue franco/italien

Entreprise leader dans le secteur du destockage cherche un/e Assistant/e Commercial/e pour le siège de Laval. RattachĂ© au Responsable d’Ă©quipe commerciale, vous intĂ©grez une structure dynamique et multilingue et travaillez en binĂ´me avec plusieurs commerciaux.


Constituer des dossiers d’achats (rĂ©daction des offres commerciales, des rĂ©fĂ©rences produits, des conditions d’achats…) suivre les Ă©chantillons produits envoyĂ©s par les fournisseurs Ă©trangers, prioriser vos dossiers commerciaux, argumenter vos dossiers auprès des dĂ©cideurs marketing, vous travaillez en bonne intelligence avec le service marketing qui analyse les opportunitĂ©s d’achats que vous lui soumettez (dossiers complets accompagnĂ©s d’Ă©chantillons, de licences…) en binĂ´me avec plusieurs commerciaux terrains qui contactent les fournisseurs et dĂ©tectent les opportunitĂ©s d’achat.


De formation Bac + 2, vous justifiez d’une première expérience ou d’un stage réussi dans un poste commercial et êtes réellement attiré par un métier alliant sens de l’organisation, culture du résultat et aisance globale, vous êtes bilingue franco/italien, vous aimez relever les challenges et travailler dans un contexte stimulant en évolution constante. Dynamique, rigoureux, autonome et très réactif, vous savez gérer les priorités et les urgences, la maitrise des outils bureautiques est indispensable (Word, Excel, messagerie).


CDI Contrat à durée indeterminée, 1.650 eurosbrut par mois x 12 mensuels. Formation gratuite. Envoyer lettre motivationelle et curriculum en français à: et c/c à 

Dernière date de candidature: 8/10/2014


Laval (France)

2 commerciali

Società commerciale leader nel mercato francese nel settore del destoccaggio di articoli invenduti, in eccedenza, seconda scelta e fine serie, rivenduti attraverso 230 punti vendita di proprietà cerca figure commerciali. I candidati ideali devono essere persone curiose, interessati ed orientati al business development e al raggiungimento di obiettivi sfidanti, portati   alla negoziazione ed al lavoro sul campo.


Le figure professionali inserite all’interno della Direzione Acquisti, saranno responsabili di sviluppare un portafoglio fornitori sul territorio italiano, occupandosi in particolare di identificare opportunità potenziali presso grossisti, distributori, produttori, importatori, individuando i giusti interlocutori per illustrare le attività del gruppo volte alla rivalorizzazione degli stock, interfacciarsi con il team Marketing  e l’esperto di prodotto dedicato per la valutazione dei lotti identificati, negoziare l’offerta con il fornitore (prezzi, quantità, trasporto, modalità di pagamento) potenziare le relazioni con i fornitori attraverso visite mensili sul territorio italiano.


Laurea, indispensabile la conoscenza fluente della lingua italiana (livello C1/2) lingua francese (livello C1), conoscenza del pacchetto Office, professionisti nel settore della vendita e abbiano maturato almeno 2/3 anni di esperienza nell’area commerciale di un’azienda, curando gli aspetti negoziali e di relazione con il cliente.


Contratto a tempo indeterminato, retribuzione di 1.700 euro lordi mensili con eventuali premi. VerrĂ  erogata gratuitamente la formazione necessaria.

Per inoltrare la propria candidatura gli interessati dovranno inviare lettera di presentazione e curriculum  in francese a: erivolta.globalite@gmail.come per c/c a 

Scadenza 8 ottobre 2014


None (TO)

1 warranty assessor

Importante azienda nell’ambito di un progetto garanzie nel settore automotive ricerca un warranty assessor madrelingua tedesco.


Laurea in ingegneria meccanica o elettronica o dell’autoveicolo o aerospaziale, ottima conoscenza lingua inglese, lingua tedesca, anche prima esperienza con conoscenze informatiche di Windows, Word, Excel, Access e Power Point.


La figura professionale verificherà che le richieste    di rimborso in garanzia (claims) siano in linea con le procedure della casa madre e la rispondenza tecnica, valuterà situazioni complesse e si interfaccerà con le concessionarie, dovrà essere in grado di lavorare in team, possedere spirito d’iniziativa e ottime capacità di comunicazione.


CCNL commercio, tempo determinato, 40 ore settimanali, retribuzione lorda tra 12.000 e 27.000 euro annui che sarĂ  definita in sede di colloquio secondo capacitĂ  ed esperienza. Garantita sistemazione alloggiativa in residence per un mese se non residente nella Provincia di Torino, pasti inclusi.

Per inoltrare la propria candidatura gli interessati dovranno inviare lettera di presentazione e curriculum a:

Scadenza 31 ottobre 2014



Release Manager/Engineer – Germany

Our development team is looking for a Release Engineer to work in our Volkswagen projects to facilitate the build and delivery of a portal project. The work will be focused around source control, configuration management, IP management, builds, packaging, tool automation, and other aspects of configuration management for a large software code base for multiple markets.Develops tools to build and conduct stability and performance testing/analysis on software projects. Requires expertise in software development, CI setup and build management.

Qualifications Minimum qualifications: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Engineering, Computer Science, or related discipline, or the equivalent in training and experience, and 3+ years of experience doing configuration management for large code bases, 3+ years of experience with SVN source control systems, 3+ years of experience with Maven, Jenkins, Nexus and automated build mechanisms, 3+ years of experience with Linux Bash scripting. Additional Preferred Qualifications:1+ years of experience in java coding, experience with developing Liferay portal/portlets, experience with Linux open source projects, experience with packaging tools such as RPM and archiving tools such as tar, experience with other scripting languages such as Python, Perl, unix scripts etc, experience with developing and maintaining tools for automated install, setup for testing in software developer labs, understanding of Linux distribution packaging, Yum, Zypper, RPM dependencies, and packaging software to co-exist with Linux distributions, ability to read Linux user and kernel level code and do basic analysis of compilation time errors, experience with SVN, GIT and other source control systems

Job Category: Software Engineering, experienced, regular, full-time, zone Braunschweig, Germany Start Date: As soon as possible

Please send your application via email to:, Keyword: Turin – Hexad VI c/c to:

Deadline: 3/10/2014

User Interface Developer

Are you looking for a career opportunity that is challenging, looking for a company that encourages innovation? we offer you a great work environment, which is friendly, full of team work and offers ample opportunity to set your own growth graph! 

Required Skills Implement functionality in HTML, XML, JavaScript, CSS, XSLT, Alloy UI, jQuery and using Ajax Frameworks like Dojo or JSON-RPC, elegantly implement page designs in standards-compliant XHTML and CSS, comfortable with writing homegrown code or using libraries like jQuery, DoJo, collaborate with the design team to define the information architecture, advocating web interaction design best practices with a focus on consistency and usability, create rapid prototypes/wireframes of interfaces to be used as a blueprint for content and technical development, manage the overall visual design for the application, including all branding and navigational elements, work closely with back-end developers to find ways to push the limits of existing web technology in service of creating the best possible user experience, not uncomfortable working in the context of a complex Java web application.

Qualifications Bachelor’s degree and at least five years of Web development experience or equivalent, strong Web application design skills, including information architecture, interface design and visual design, strong Web development skills, including JavaScript, DHTML (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) and XML, working knowledge of industry standard visual design tools (Visio, Photoshop, Illustrator) ability to understand and interpret existing site design and style guides to inform your work, excellent project management skills: self-directed and capable of working effectively in a highly kinetic environment, excellent communication skills: able to facilitate your own meetings as necessary, comfortable working with all levels of the organization.

Experience in the following a plus Liferay Theme Development & Server Management, command prompt and Shell script knowledge, Java and JSP Programming.

Please send your application via email to:, Keyword: Turin  – Hexad III c/c

Deadline: 3/10/2014


Senior Liferay Consultant

Are you looking for a career opportunity that is challenging, looking for a company that encourages innovation? we offer you a great work environment, which is friendly, full of team work and offers ample opportunity to set your own growth graph!

Required Skills Experience working in deeply technical projects on client sites, at least a year of experience working as a technical team lead or in other client-facing situations, comfortable assisting in the systems architecture analysis & design of Liferay’s portal software systems, able to develop web portal technology (study existing software & provide input on improvement of software) analyze end user requirements, document solutions using computer technology, very good Java fundamentals and J2EE experience, experience with the full project lifecycle for technical implementations, including business requirements gathering, technical specifications, development, QA, and deployment to production, strong debugging skills and prior experience on maintenance projects, a very good understanding of software and hardware performance and the ability to develop tuning measures for a high-traffic platform, good knowledge of object orientation (object-oriented design and object-oriented programming) familiar with different evelopmentmethodologies, including agile.

Qualifications Bachelor’s degree and 6+ years of overall experience in Java/J2EE development, at least2+ years portal development experience, including JSR 168, 286 specification, working knowledge offrameworks such as Struts1.x/2.x,JSF&Spring MVC, working knowledge of ORM frameworkslike Hibernate, working knowledge of HTML, XML, CSS, XSLT,JavaScript. , AJAX & jQuery, working knowledge of Maven, Ant & SVN.

Experience in the following a plus Peculiarities of specific app servers, Tomcat, or specific databases, integrated Liferay with other open source products or proprietary products, experience in continuous integrationenvironment.

Please send your application via email to:, Keyword: Turin  – Hexad II c/c

Deadline: 3/10/2014


Mechatronics Technician for refrigerated plant construction

Business Activities  As specialists in the manufacture of custom-made environmental simulation systems as well as climate, temperature and heating chambers, we plan, design and manufacture each system individually, according to our customers’ requirements and needs. We provide the appropriate programme controllers, as well as the process-control software for the operation, evaluation, visualization and formula administration of each type of system. Our company also offers a targeted and professional maintenance and repair service for environmental simulation systems, water chillers and air conditioners to reduce equipment downtime to a minimum. When it comes to systems repairs, our strengths are our know-how, flexibility and speed. We are also a much sought-after partner for the assembly and dismantling of new and used systems. Devices manufactured by our company are used in the automotive and automotive supplier industries, as well as the aerospace, photovoltaic, special glass technology and electrical industries.

Job description Site of operation Germany and European countries.

Your business Manufacturing, maintenance and repair service of for environmental simulation systems (internal and at customer’s site) commissioning of plant constructions, customer’s training on plant constructions.

Your specialization Education as mechatronics technician for refrigerated plant construction and/or comparable education, engagement, flexibility and capacity for teamwork.

Our offer Open-ended employment, fixed salary, social benefit, diversified and challenging field of activity, motivated and involved team,  working time regulation without being on stand-by. If you are interested in a versatile career in a successful, growing company, we are looking forward to your application documents.

Please send your application via email to:, Keyword: Turin – Schmid c/c to:

Deadline: 3/10/2014


IT Business Analyst

Are you looking for a career opportunity that is challenging, looking for a company that encourages innovation? we offer you a great work environment, which is friendly, full of team work and offers ample opportunity to set your own growth graph!

Job Requirements We are looking for a Business Analyst with strong interpersonal skills who works well in a team environment. It is essential that the Business Analyst can gather information from functional teams that are not technical and relay that information to a technical team. To be successful in this role you should be familiar with both sides. Additional requirements: bachelor’s Degree in Business, Technology-related field OR equivalent work experience, 1-3 years experience in a business analyst role OR equivalent work, experience with standard analysis and documentation techniques (use cases, business rules, process diagrams, etc.) experience in use case analysis and modeling, and other industry best practices, experience with project proposal scoping, estimation and cost/benefit analysis, strong oral and written communication skills, interpersonal skills, presentation skills, facilitation skills, ability to navigate complex organizational structures, ability to assess and prioritize the customers’ needs and root problems, ability to facilitate meetings.

Please send your application via email to:, Keyword: Turin – Hexad V c/c

Deadline: 3/10/2014


Software Development Engineer/Test Engineer – Full-time position in Frankfurt/Main area

We are a successful engineering service provider supplying expert know-how and core competencies for the automobile and medical technology industries. Whether you have just graduated or have years of experience, our diverse range of customers offers opportunities for involvement in exciting and high-level projects.

Software Development Engineer Development and implementation of software; analysis and design of software to meet specific requirements; creation of software architecture in a team of experts; application of current development and testing methods; measurement and testing of embedded systems

Test Engineer Testing for us and our customers from the module through to the system level, setting test and specifications and cases; optimizing test strategies; analysis of requirements in team of experts; planning of specific test processes and support of test automatization

Our Requirements You graduated in the field of engineering, computer studies, mathematics or physics; you are familiar with C, C++ programming; you demonstrate a clear grasp of technical matters and analytical thought processes and can work in a team; ideally you have experience in micro-controller programming and/or embedded system development; experience with LabView would be an additional bonus

What You Can Look Forward To We offer a harmonious work environment with mutual support, understanding and fairness, transparent communication and a flat reporting structure. As a member of our team you would receive an appropriate salary package for a modern company and benefit from our regular staff get-togethers, such as canoe trips, special dinners and other exciting team events.

We offer a secure position with many opportunities for self-advancement and the chance to contribute your own ideas to the team project.

Please send your application via email to:, Keyword: Turin – tecmata c/c to:    

Deadline: 3/10/2014


Software Developer Java Developer – Liferay Developer – Portal Developer

Are you looking for a career opportunity that is challenging, looking for a company that encourages innovation? we offer you a great work environment, which is friendly, full of team work and offers ample opportunity to set your own growth graph!

We are looking for Software Engineers and Architects with deep experiences with Liferay or custom portal development for our office in Wolfsburg, Germany, experience in development on Java/J2EE technologies, JSR 168, 286, Liferay and open-source-technologies like ICE faces, JSF, Spring and Hibernate are preferred. Candidate should have proficient with Web services and XML processing, good knowledge of current internet technologies, software architectures and integrated development tools and frameworks such as Eclipse, Maven and SVN. Build Management experience is also welcome. Candidate should be able to work independently and speak English fluently. Willingness to travel is also important.

Please send your application via email to:, Keyword: Turin  – Hexad I c/c to:

Deadline: 3/10/2014


Project Manager Duties – Germany

Manage the project taking into account integration across all areas. Engage with stakeholders, develop Project Plan, direct project resources, monitor and manage the project schedule, monitor and manage the project risk, deal with operational issues, organize steering committee meetings, including ensuring that minutes will be taken, report to the steering committee, raising strategic issues, prepare Project Status Reports and Project Change Requests for the steering committee, ensure project meets requirements and objectives, manage project team members, negotiate and resolve issues as they arise across areas of the project and where they impact on other. Activities, systems and projects: look after the interests of the project team, organize and chair project reference group meetings, as appropriate, communicate project status to project sponsor, all team members, and other relevant stakeholders and involved parties, maintain project documentation.

Key Competences and Qualifications Excellent project management skills with proven track record with at least 6 years experience as a project manager, excellent communication skills, ability to work in a dynamic and sometimes rather hectic work environment, understanding of telecom business, fluent english  both written and spoken , experience in MS Project, experience 6+ years, education BE/ (Computer science).

Please send your application via email to:, Keyword: Turin  – Hexad IV c/c to:

Deadline: 3/10/2014


Software Engineering – Braunschweig Germany

Are you looking for a career opportunity that is challenging, looking for a company that encourages innovation? we offer you a great work environment, which is friendly, full of team work and offers ample opportunity to set your own growth graph! Our development team is looking for a Release Engineer to work in our Volkswagen projects to facilitate the build and delivery of a portal project. The work will be focused around source control, configuration management, IP management, builds, packaging, tool automation, and other aspects of configuration management for a large software code base for multiple markets. Develops tools to build and conduct stability and performance testing/analysis on software projects. Requires expertise in software development, CI setup and build management.

Qualifications Minimum qualifications: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Engineering, Computer Science, or related discipline, or the equivalent in training and experience, 3+ years of experience doing configuration management for large code bases, 3+ years of experience with SVN source control systems, 3+ years of experience with Maven, Jenkins, Nexus and automated build mechanisms, 3+ years of experience with Linux Bash scripting. Additional Preferred Qualifications: 1+ years of experience in java coding, experience with developing Liferay portal/portlets, with Linux open source projects, with packaging tools such as RPM and archiving tools such as tar, with other scripting languages such as Python, Perl, unix scripts etc., with SVN, GIT and other source control systems, with developing and maintaining tools for automated install, setup for testing in software developer labs, understanding of Linux distribution packaging, Yum, Zypper, RPM dependencies, and packaging software to co-exist with Linux distributions, ability to read Linux user and kernel level code and do basic analysis of compilation time errors.

Type of contract Full-time, regular, experienced, start date as soon as possible.

Please send your application via email to:, Keyword: Turin – Hexad VI c/c to: 


Agenzia per il lavoro – Torino nord

Operatori customer service madrelingua


Diploma di scuola media superiore, essere maggiorenni, ottima conoscenza di almeno due lingue straniere tra lingua inglese e un’altra lingua europea tra tedesco, polacco, francese, portoghese, ceco, slovacco e olandese, esperienza anche minima, buone competenze informatiche, capacità relazionali, ottima dialettica e alta motivazione.


Le figure professionali dovranno fornire assistenza a clienti italiani all’estero o stranieri in Italia, dare supporto richiesto per risolvere problemi, assistenza nell’organizzazione di prenotazione viaggi, ove necessario, e/o amministrativa.


Contratto a tempo determinato di 3 mesi, disponibilitĂ  anche notturna, retribuzione oraria di 11,42 euro lordi.

Per inoltrare la propria candidatura gli interessati dovranno inviare lettera di presentazione e curriculum a:

Scadenza 31 dicembre 2014





1 lamierista di precisione con esperienza di almeno due anni per taglio lamiera, rifinitura per arredo su acciaio interno ed esterno a mano di veicoli ambulanti( paninoteche, bar ecc.) buona conoscenza di Office, automunito, tempo determinato con possibile inserimento aziendale, full-time, zona Trofarello.

Per inoltrare la propria candidatura gli interessati dovranno inviare il curriculum a:

Scadenza 27 ottobre 2014



1 fresatore CNC con esperienza per azienda di lavorazioni meccaniche di precisione; il candidato si occuperĂ  di programmare a bordo macchina per centro di lavoro verticale con CN HEIDENHAIN o FANUC o ISO, tempo determinato da definire, full-time, zona Cambiano.

Per inoltrare la propria candidatura gli interessati dovranno inviare il curriculum a:

Scadenza 11 ottobre 2014



1 programmatore informatico per azienda di costruzione presse stampaggio gomma con mansioni di programmazione cicli di macchine stampaggio gomma e assistenza tecnica sui macchinari, diploma di scuola media superiore o laurea, esperienza di 2/3 anni, ottima conoscenza di Office e linguaggi di programmazione attinenti alla mansione, disponibilitĂ  a trasferte, contratto a tempo determinato di 6 mesi con possibile inserimento, full-time, orario di lavoro centrale, zona La Loggia.

Per inoltrare la propria candidatura gli interessati dovranno inviare il curriculum a:

Scadenza 17 ottobre 2014



3 saldatori Tig Inox, tempo determinato full-time, per azienda di carpenteria e montaggi, licenza media inferiore, conoscenza di saldatura di diversi particolari inox con uso impianto di saldatura, indispensabile esperienza nel ruolo, automuniti, zona Nichelino.

Per inoltrare la propria candidatura gli interessati dovranno presentare il curriculum a:

 Scadenza 6 ottobre 2014